Sunday, January 03, 2010

ICBEN 2010

A two day International Conference Bangladesh Environment Network (ICBEN) started today, 3rd January 2010. The organizers were BAPA(Bangladesh Poribesh Andolon) and BEN(Bangladesh Environment Network) and a host of co-organizers which were mainly public and private universities of Bangladesh. The conference was focused on topics based on Climate Change and Bangladesh Environment.

I was assigned as a rapporteur for BAPA for a technical session on Energy, Environment and Policy on the 3rd. On the 4th I am assigned for Sustainable Agriculture. So far the session was good today. I attended a similar round-table discussion on this topic about four months back so it was kind of review for me. Although there were some recommendations made by the speakers which will be proposed to the government.

Hope the session tomorrow 4th will be interesting. I will update you about the session held on the 4th of January 2010. You can more details at the BAPA website here.

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