Friday, September 09, 2005

Previous articles 1

While cleaning my table i found some articles relating to pollution( I normally collect articles from newspapers that i find interesting and keep it inside my table). These articles explained how the bangladesh government is trying to reduce pollution. Like for instance the article i am going to write now was printed on 24th September 2003. In the article it states that brick kilns (like the picture on the right) can reduce pollution by making the chimneys taller. The reason for this is because there will be an increase in the combustion of coal and dispersion of smoke produced will be greater.
Although the cost of making these klins taller were expensive
the owners of the klins were forced to compile with the laws. In fact one of the owner stated that even though the process was costlier it would save about 25% of energy. To me 25% of energy saved is a lot.

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