Thursday, February 15, 2007

Project to be launched to curb Mercury Pollution

The project backed by the United Nations have given governments a two year time frame to see whether a voluntary programme to reduce health and enviornmental threats from toxic mercury is working or ifa legally-binding treaty is needed to curb heavy metal linked with a wide range of medical problems such neurological diseases.

The programme is to be agreeded by 140 governments at a gathering of enviornment ministers at the UN Enviornment Programme(UNEP) Governing Council. The plan is to curb mercury emmissions from industries, power stations, mines, consumer products. A part of this project may mirror a successful UNEP-coordinated partnership to clean up fuels in developing countries.

An estimated 2,000 tons of mercury are released into the atmosphere from coal-fired power stations, waste incinerators as the result of gold and silver mining.

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