Thursday, November 22, 2007

Current News

Those of you who have been watching the news, could say that the Cyclone Sidr that hit Bangladesh was devastating. Southern parts of Bangladesh were hit most. Death tolls so far published in my country's newspaper was something like 1,500 although I do not know the exact value. Homes blown away, trees uprooted, water supply shortages and electricity. My country's electricity grid was down for almost 2 days, that being in the capital city, Dhaka, however the southern parts of the country are still electricity deprived.

Dhaka was affected by the cyclone but not much damage was done. I would like to thank foreign agencies and donor agencies for providing relief. Just 3- 4 months ago we were hit by massive flooding and still recovering. If anybody can help with the relief please do try. Mobile operators in Bangladesh have created an opportunity to donate money simply by sms where each person donates Tk.10 which is something like 7 cents . To visit there sites go to Grameenphone, Banglalink, Warid telecom, Aktel, Citycell

International News

UN Chief Secretary Ban-Ki-Moon visited the Antarctic region and he requested nations to control climate change and global warming. This is what he said:

“This is an emergency. For an emergency situation we need an emergency act.We have resources. We have financing. Only lacking is political will.”

Save the environment, Save the world!

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