Friday, January 08, 2010

Bangladesh Prime Minister Office gets solar charged

In the effort to promote greener initiatives in Bangladesh, the Prime Minister's office installed a solar power system, the first of its kind in the country. In Bangladesh, the solar industry is basically used in rural regions as electricity is not supplied at those regions due to lack of infrastructure , solar energy is the most feasible option.

Currently it is used on trail basis and has a generating capacity of 21.6 kilowatts. Bangladesh is in the list of most vulnerable countries due to climate change and the government is trying to promote greener solutions.

After allocating Tk.200 crore for low cost revolving fund for greener projects, the Bangladesh Bank has also decided to power their headquarters with solar energy.

The system installed at the Prime Minister's office is done by a private company Rahimafrooz Renewable Energy Ltd(RRE). I will do a post on RRE soon.